About Us

About Our Team

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Meet Our Team

about james

James Leader

Managing Partner

James Leader is a licensed producer in 4 states, holds a B.A. in Business Administration from the Universe of Arizona, and has been in the financial services industry for 35 years.

That’s not to say he hasn’t branched out into other lines of work–James previously served as the CFO of Arizona Health and Wellness from 2018 to 2023. He managed a large group of assisted living and retirement homes. In this line of work, he witnessed firsthand what can happen to people who cannot provide for themselves. They’re often forced to end up living alone in a place where no one cares for them:

“The ‘care’ for the elderly who do not have money in this country is so poor, I cannot describe how bad it is and no one is paying attention. When this opportunity came to me I made a committment to myself to try and make a difference.”

James has received commendations from the Pima County Sheriff’s Department for volunteer work. He is also a licenced nurse and first responder.

He’s extremely passionate about doing things the right way, never taking shortcuts. He loves meeting new clients and making them a part of the family here at Faragi Group. James is attentive, committed, and will work seven days a week if needed. He’s a workaholic, but that’s the life that suits him. Whenever he’s not working, though, James enjoys fishing, playing the guitar, reading, and learning more about his line of work whenever possible.

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.”


Move Closer to a Confident Retirement

Contact us today to arrange a consultation or join one of our upcoming educational seminars. Let us help you navigate the journey and provide the support you need.

seniors hanging out together about faragi group delaware
happy senior friends about faragi group delaware

Discover Our Services

To schedule a time to discuss your financial future and the possible role of insurance in your financial strategy, contact us today!

What is the ideal amount to save for retirement? Will you have enough to retire? How do you know?


Annuities offer income for life, tax-deferred growth, and protection from market losses.*

Life Insurance

Are you looking for life insurance? Do you want a second opinion on the insurance you currently have?


Ready to get Started?

Let’s get started planning for the retirement you deserve.

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