
Protection Benefits

retired couple kayaking on lake guaranteed income annuity faragi group delaware

Guaranteed* Income Protection With An Annuity

A fixed indexed annuity (FIA) provides some key benefits that many other retirement income options do not. First and foremost, an FIA allows you to earn a lifetime guaranteed* income. An FIA also protects* your principal regardless of market conditions, whereas stock market-based accounts may lose value. As retirees live longer lives, this aspect of protection becomes increasingly important. Are you concerned that you may outlive your retirement savings? An annuity may be something to consider. An FIA also offers tax advantages. Additionally, you may be able to use an income rider to reduce the impact of inflation on your retirement savings.

Reasonable Rate of Return**

The money in your FIA grows tax-deferred for a set number of years (known as the accumulation stage), while remaining protected by the issuing insurance company.

Even if the market declines, your principal is protected. After this stage, you will be able to withdraw the funds from your FIA in the form of lifetime guaranteed* income (known as the distribution stage).

senior couple crossing river hiking guaranteed income annuity faragi group delaware
Protect Your Future

FIAs and the Stock Market

An FIA does not directly invest in the stock market. Instead, the insurance company uses something called an index. The interest rate on an annuity is determined by the performance of a specific index. So, when the index rises, so will the interest rate. However, when the index falls, your annuity will not lose value. This allows you to earn interest at a reasonable rate of return** without risking your money in the stock market.

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